Quetico Connection
One perfect day
One perfect moment
Gauzy sun washing my soul
John Doelman
About Us
Doelman Poetry was created as a site to showcase everything we are working on, and to give a place to share with all who are a part of this journey. This could be poets or songwriters and musicians. The intention is to give everyone who visits something to lighten their day a bit.
Our short goal is to let you know where you can find John’s book, Quetico Connection, and to tell you some backstory that isn’t necessarily in the book. There will be posts occasionally of poetry and photos. Some will be old and some new. Because different things inspire us from day to day, we will try to give you some of the inspiration as we post.
We will post songs from friends as well. Word of mouth is the best form of marketing. Let us know what you like, and if it is great, buy it!
Our blog is going to be for thoughts, suggestions, and conversation. Let’s keep it light and in keeping with the theme of the site!
In the future we will be creating a calendar of events. Hopefully that will grow to be a source of enjoyment for everyone, especially if you appreciate live events. Having been a part of Dar Williams’ “Writing a Song That Matters” workshops, there are many of us who perform our songs live. We will try to keep you up to date on who and where you can see them live!
Questions about my writing or photos?
I am always up for questions about style or details. If you would like copies of my book or limited edition photo/poems, let me know. Right now “StormEnds” is the onlv one, but there will be more!
New Calendar Event?
If there is anv event we can share, let me know and I will check my schedule. If you are involved with our “Writing a Song That Matters” group and performing in concert, let’s share it!
Let's share links!
Face to face, word to word, connection to connection, sharing links can make a big difference with our own successes. Give me the details here!
Other thoughts?
Anvthing else? Comments? Ideas? This is the place!
My deepest dream is to open some kind of window in the heart, to all that exists around us. We hold the keys. All we need to do is recognize that we do, and notice.
John Doelman
Praise for Quetico Connection
Coming Home to Quetico – CD releasing in May 2024!
Join John and friends at the Manchester City Library, Manchester, NH on May 28, 2024, for the release of Coming Home to Quetico, a collaborative effort of amazing singers, songwriters, and performers who have given a musical voice to John's poems.
Presentation and book signing Sunday, February 19, from noon until 1:00 p.m.
On Sunday, March 19, 2023, from noon until 2:00 p.m., I am conducting a presentation and book signing of Quetico Connection at The Bookery, 848 Elm Street, Manchester, NH. Registration is required. I hope to see you there!
Launching Doelman Poetry
I am so excited to share Doelman Poetry with all vistors to this site. My book, Quetico Connection, is launching to online and retail bookstores on January 26, 2023. Visit my "Get the book" page for information on where you can find this new release.